Reviews of each of the series five stories; explorations of the characters of the eleventh Doctor and Amy; a review of the K9 series; a look at the redesign of the Daleks; a roundup of other recent paper zines in 2010’s fanzine renaissance; a review of Big Finish’s recent output; thoughts on the work of Chris Chibnall, on the use of death in Steven Moffat’s episodes, and on madness, monsters and metaphor in Vincent and the Doctor. Plus some stunning illustrations.
Prices, including P&P:
UK: £1.10
Europe (airmail): £2.00
Elsewhere (airmail): £2.50
Please pay using paypal ( to I’d be terribly grateful if, when making payment, you would use the ‘gift’ rather than ‘goods’ option, as this avoids a fee being taken and therefore helps minimise our losses - this is a non-profit making publication after all. Please add the address for the fanzine to be sent to in the comments section. If you’d prefer to pay by an alternative method, please contact us at the same email address and we’ll sort something out.
Next issue there’ll be a lot more old series stuff, but let’s wait for a few of you to get this issue before we worry about that. We'd also be delighted to receive any comments on the zine at the above email address."
A Shouting Into A Well minion writes: The editor has asked me to say what a great read Panic Moon is, he can't comment directly on the grounds of having two articles in there (obviously those are best). First reaction on seeing the A6 format was surprise at how tiny the pages seemed (A6 paper size is A5 folded in half -TECHNICAL ED) but inside is lots of text and some brilliant illustrations. This issue concentrates on reviewing series five of Doctor Who with relevant articles in between to widen out the scope of the fanzine. Well worth the cover price and very highly recommended.
Fanzine editors: Drop an email to the editorial address on the top-right and Shouting Into A Well will be more than happy to give you a mention.